He also loved his winter vacations each year in Florida, basking in the sun by the pool where he never slept he " just rested his eyes". He was a loving dedicated, and devoted father and husband and proud pop-pop and playmate to KC, ...
... bigioia (segnalazione monegasca); bign?; Bistecca col pelo; boatta (Napoli); boschetto; boschiva; braciola; bresaola; bresaolona (da (Bergamo e dal Canton Ticino); bricia (zona di Arezzo e ,in genere, della Valdichiana); brioche; ...
CILLERUELO DE bBRICIA/b 1975 - IMAGENES PARA EL RECUERDO. En el Correo de las Matas (Edición Digital) queremos celebrar el día de San Martín, la gran fiesta del patrón de Cilleruelo de bBricia/b. Aunque un día tarde, San Martín es el 11 de ...